
"Keeping the sound of Morse alive"

MorseKOB is a program for doing landline telegraphy and American Morse with the help of a computer. For more information on Morse telegraphy, visit the Morse Telegraph Club’s website.

MorseKOB versions

This is the stable version of the KOB program. Completely unchanged since 2009, it’s still the preferred choice for most users. A tutorial and FAQ are available for this version.

This version runs on Mac OS and Linux, in addition to Windows. It has a few more features than KOB 2.5, but it's not as robust. It is a Java Applet, so it may be difficult to find a container to run it in. Not for the faint of heart.

MorseKOB 4 (MKOB4/PyKOB)

MKOB4/PyKOB is a new application and collection of utilities written in Python. It runs on Windows, Mac and Linux (including Raspberry Pi). It is being actively maintained, and is available on GitHub:

More information

This web page provides a list of all the users currently connected to different KOB wires, including automated broadcast feeds.

Describes how the KOB wires have been allocated for different kinds of use: live operation, experimental, automated feeds, etc.

Browse the KOB user group’s message archive and sign up as a member.

Describes how to connect a key and sounder to your computer.

Miscellaneous documents relating to the KOB program.


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